question on embedded documents and screenreaders

Hi Folks,

Can anyone tell me what the position is on embedding documents in HTML
pages. For example, if I am using a screen reader and click on a link to
view a document and I use IE5, it's possible to open a word document inside
the browser window. Can screen readers handle this?

As far as I am aware, it's possible to open Excel, Powerpoint and PDF within
the browser. My own feeling is that this is generally bad practise - unless
you warn people that the document will open within the window - because it
generally takes a long time to open the document, you get another set of
controls within the browser window, the document page view is a lot smaller,




 Anthony Quinn               Head of Interaction Design

   Frontend ~ Usability Engineering & Interface Design
   40 Westland Row, Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland

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Received on Friday, 2 March 2001 07:34:12 UTC