Re: [w3c-wai-ig] side menu and screen readers

> a side bar navigation system on sites is a pet hate for him.  His problem is
> that his reader has to plough through all the side bar information before
> getting to the content on the page.

This is why the various web accessibility guideline documents require
sensible linearised reading orders for tables.

If browsers had correctly and consistently implemented style sheet positioning
from the start, one should have put the menu at the end of the document and
used positioning to move it to the normal position.

There are some tricks that I believe you can use with tables; basically put
a dummy row into the start of the first column and have the main content
start on the very first row, but rowspan it across the dummy row.  The
dummy row might be used for a logo (treated as part of the main heading
in text only/ speech.

Received on Friday, 2 March 2001 02:50:52 UTC