RE: Screen Readers

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We were
> discussing using certain symbols for bullets in an marked up list
> and the fact that screen readers do not recognize or read correctly
> some of the mark up.

FYI. (Assuming this is me), the best we could come up with wrt.
sighted users of text browsers was • (or • if you want to
be careful about browsers that don't use all of the non-numeric
character entities e.g. Netscape which is poor in this regard), since
this is explicitly meant to be a bullet point.

It is presumably the most likely to be later used in this context by
screen readers, but isn't currently. It would certainly be the best
choice, but screen-reader designers may decide to go with "*" only as
it is commonly used. Of course there isn't really any reason for not
using properly formatted lists anyway.

* is a good choice in that it is used often by the default rendering,
and a bad choice in that * already has many meanings (footnote,
multiplication, date of birth) and using it for another meaning is
probably a bad idea.

All this only goes so far unfortunately, as nothing could be found
which worked well with screen-readers.

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Received on Monday, 19 February 2001 11:11:05 UTC