[media] Breaking the Access Barrier

Government Technology February 2001

Breaking The Access Barrier

While government hails the internet and automated information systems as
a means for improving service delivery and boosting internal efficiency,
information technology represents a double-edged sword for Americans
with disabilities.

The Word on Access 

The Americans with Disabilities Act celebrated its 10th anniversary last
July with a look back at 10 years of progress. However, there is still
much to be done. This month, we looked at access to government services
by people with disabilities as well as public-sector employment
opportunities for people with disabilities. We found four sources
directly involved in both aspects of access and solicited their

Enabling Technology

Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 require all technology to
be accessible to people with disabilities. What effect will this have on
state and local governments and the technology they purchase?



Kathleen Anderson, Webmaster
Office of the State Comptroller
55 Elm Street
Hartford, Connecticut  06106
e-mail: kathleen.anderson@po.state.ct.us
URL: http://www.osc.state.ct.us/

Received on Tuesday, 13 February 2001 21:20:15 UTC