ABBR vs ACRONYM, round 57894174803 [a tirade]

Dear Charles,

I appreciate your "rant" and the follow-ups.  I am much relieved that what I
took from the last time this came up was not misplaced.

IMHO the distinction between acronym and abbr as pronounceable or not is
much more functional than the alternatives (e.g.: "initialism" /
other-shorten-form, multiple/single word, no-punctuation/uses-period) which
-- even if used consistently -- aren't really helpful or meaningful.  As it
has been pointed out, the examples in the specs don't follow the defined
rule, so clearly they are broken.

Kynn's advice (regard acronym as deprecated) is eminently practical.

However, I find your call to advocate for fixing the spec and not abandoning
what could be a very useful tab I find much more appealing.  Thank you.
Education and awareness is really what the WAI and the WCAG are about, and
better use of the acronym tag is one small piece of that.

If nothing else, I learned that "chaz" is NOT your nickname!  I had no idea
Charles could be abbreviate (except to "Charlie" of course).


Received on Wednesday, 7 February 2001 08:52:02 UTC