Trace ListServs

Dear Group,

I don't know when they went online, but the various ListServs at Trace now
have archives!
Ref URL:

No, the ListServ offering isn't new, but the web availability (and search
feature) is.  (Can anyone tell me when this happened?)  The available
archives go back to January 1999.

For those here who haven't ever subscribed, the traffic is low and the
content excellent.  For example, Dave Capozzi contributes to the 508 list,
so while they may not be official, they sure are authoritative!

I use to participate in a few, but got spoiled by the examples set by RESNA
and W3C, so I haven't subscribed since two email addresses ago.

I'll list the offerings here.  I hope this doesn't drive them too much


	Trace List Discussions Web Interface
There are 10 lists on this system. 

List Name and Description 

BASR-L is a professional mailing list for discussing blind people's web
access issues. The main focus of this mailing list is to improve the access
blind people have to the World Wide Web. (It is not a list for support on
existing products and features, since other lists already provide that
FCCADV-DISABILITY is an open listserv set up for discussions of the
Disability Access Working Group of theFCC Technological Advisory Committee.
The on-line discussion regarding the development of a bi-directional
non-proprietary infrared communication link standard.
List for discussion of strategies for making kiosks and touch screen products
accessible to people with disabilities
Discussion of section 508 issues.
List for National Council on Disability regarding technology trends.
Discussion of the US access board's telecom access guidelines
The purpose of this list is to discuss strategies for providing a migration
path for people who are deaf, which can allow them to use TTY's seamlessly
with newer messaging and text chat technologies in order to provide a path
for intercommunication and eventual migration to future standard messaging
and text chat technologies. The second purpose is to discuss ways to insure
that emerging messaging and text chat technologies can provide the full
functionality (and better functionality) than a TTY in order to allow
List for discussion of universal access to information systems
Discussion of teaching and learning about universal design

Received on Friday, 19 January 2001 15:09:47 UTC