Re: How closely does Windows narrator simulate JAWS

Aside from testing something like tab order, I wouldn't recommend Windows 
Narrator as a test or simulation tool.  It lacks the sort of actual screen 
review features that true screen readers have and is likely to make someone 
unfamiliar with this reality think web browsing with access technology is 
more complex than it is.

At 10:05 AM 1/5/01 +0000, Anthony Quinn wrote:
>Hi All,
>I understand that JAWS is the most commonly used screen reader at the
>moment. I don't have figures for this, so you can call it an assumption
>based on the fact that JAWS is the name that I encounter most frequently
>when people discuss screen readers.
>It occurs to me that the Narrator facility which is included in Windows 2000
>could be a particularly useful tool for web designers who might want to very
>quickly test a HTML layout, or even just to gain some insight into the user
>experience of someone who might be using a screen reader.
>Does anyone know how closely the Windows 2000 Narrator resembles JAWS in
>terms of it's capabilities, etc? Ideally, you want to test in as many
>different platforms, browsers and access devices as possible but for those
>who don't have access to a JAWS screen reader, could narrator be a useful
>alternative, given that some testing is better than none at all?
>  Anthony Quinn                     UI Design Manager
>    Frontend ~ Usability Engineering & Interface Design
>    40 Westland Row, Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland
>           Visit our Usability InfoCentre at:
>       tel: +353 1 241 1600
>          fax: +353 1 241 1601
>  _______________________________________________________

Received on Friday, 5 January 2001 09:07:50 UTC