
Hallo Athmane,

As webdesigner and also as  one of the founders of the green party in the Netherlands I am already very interested in  your  book. 
Can you explain me what the difference is between  a liberal and  a conservative website? 
Till now the western industries make people dependent on their 
It's better to offer your knowledge about that technology so that people have really a free choice and can apply it themselves to their own wishes.
That is in my  opinion the only manner to offer democratic options. Or was that what you meant to say?

Kind regards from the Netherlands
Ineke van der Maat

Without getting in the  details, I was trying to make a
philosophical point about:
1- the Design of Sites should be based on  all possible types of users out there thus the concept 
of User Classes, from the most liberal to the most conservative styles
(isn't that democracy!). 
I believe we will be more successfull by giving choices as opposed to
mandating options.
2- Who are we to mandate to 6 Billion people how to design or what to put in their Web sites? Why
not provide all, technically possible, options through the technology and
let people  (the users,
designers, etc) choose.  I could probably write a book about this! Take care


Received on Monday, 9 April 2001 15:55:21 UTC