Re: Question on abbreviations

bill, there is much predictability in this.  Abrevs are usually found
in documents but even when found in tabular situations, it is not too
hard to figure which will show up first.  Let's say for instance we
have a site where the abreviation for the entity to be represented
appears on every page.  If the tags are used correctly and supported,
the result will be correct behaviour.  the logical place in this
instance would be to expande the abreviation on the first page.  I've
not seen a site that provides abreviation instances out of order.  An
example would be helpful.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Kules" <>
To: "WAI Mailing List" <>
Sent: December 20, 2000 3:54 PM
Subject: Question on abbreviations

Re: checkpoint 4.2, "Specify the expansion of each
abbreviation or acronym in a document where it first

Since many HTML documents are not designed to be
read linearly, what is the definition of the first
occurence in that case?  Is there consensus on
this?  (Based on postings I've seen, it seems unlikely.)

Bill Kules, President            Takoma Software, Inc.
(301) 891-7271 voice             Takoma Park, MD
(301) 891-7273 fax     
(240) 460-7376 cellphone/pager

Received on Wednesday, 20 December 2000 16:23:21 UTC