RE: Politics: Strict Guidelines Considered Harmful

Charles F. Munat:
In my experience, "realistic" is an industry code word for "requires little
effort and costs us nothing."

Jim Thatcher:
Not True in fact or in my experience or when I use the term. Absolutely not

Previously Jim Thatcher:
"Like you said, we all share the dream of an accessible web. ...

Charles F. Munat:
I beg to differ.
Who is this "we" who share the dream of an accessible web?

I thought it would mean people on this list.

Charles F. Munat:
What corporations "dream of" are sites that are accessible without any
effort or expense

Jim: That would be nice.

Charles F. Munat:
incomprehensibly abstract to Mr. Thatcher,

Dr. Thatcher to you Charles.

Charles F. Munat (amongst over ranting):
If the members of this list believe that passage of 508 solved anything,
they are sadly mistaken.

I certainly don't think 508 solves anything. But it sure is on course to
bring about solutions, to bring about substantial change.

Accessibility Consulting

Received on Friday, 15 December 2000 17:41:24 UTC