Slashdot: How should Govt sites be designed?

Interesting article on slashdot, about the design of government web
sites.  There is increasing penetration of the accessibility meme
in "mainstream" geek circles.

  Wally Hartshorn asks: "Do Slashdot's readers have some examples of 
  government Web sites that they particularly like or dislike? I'm 
  the Web coordinator for the Web site of a state government agency, 
  and I am looking for some ideas to improve our site's usefulness 
  and design. I've read numerous articles about Web design, but they 
  virtually all focus on commercial sites, where the information to 
  be provided tends to be short and voluntary. There are many good 
  ideas to take from these articles. However, I'm reasonably certain 
  that there are some very different issues to consider when designing 
  a site that is trying to present regulatory requirements (to an 
  audience that would really rather be doing something else) rather 
  than a site focused on selling or providing news. Any suggested 
  good/bad examples to visit?" I think the key word for government  
  sites is 'accessibility'. Do you all agree or disagree?"


Received on Friday, 8 December 2000 16:38:24 UTC