speech-readers: handling of <HR>==>"---" ; tables linearization


i'd been thinking about using 'lynx -dump $FILE' to process all of my
site's html into text-only , for the sake of linearizing the tables.

but i've used some "<hr>" there, which lynx processes into a long series
of dashes, and i wanted to check to see if those present a problem when
encountered by a speech-reading browser, or if the software is more
likely to ignore it after the first few dashes.

running lynx, with "-dump", produces text without any markup, which
makes it basically un-navigable, so any other suggestions would be
sincerely appreciated. 

despite what at least one person has said [ http://www.dejavu.org ,
somewhere in the time-line] , it is not so easy to set up a site-wide
XML DTD and a per-browser XSL processor.

worth it, but not easy.

one more question:

if browsers that don't allow in-table navigation are at least able to
lineraize a table, there's no problem, right? as long as it looks good
enough when linearized?

[ referring to checkpoint 10.3 at
http://www.w3.org/WAI/Resources/WAI-UA-Support ]


sean champ
developer, The San Joaquin Valley Science Collective




Received on Wednesday, 29 November 2000 08:50:10 UTC