Re: How do I make JavaScript "pop-up help" accessible?

> The pop-up is invoked by code like:
> <A href="JavaScript:Help('foobar.htm')">definition of FooBar</A>

This one is easy; unfortunately people normally copy other people's
bad code.  It should be:

> <A href="foobar.htm" onclick="Help('foobar.htm'); return false">definition of FooBar</A>

The return false prevents the href being actioned in the original frame,
when the script is run.

I believe this works on all browsers that would have run the original.

The correct approach to this was:  how do I augment and accessible
version with a (javascript) control-less popup window.

Note that one reason why target attributes are deprecated is that popups
are considered a bad thing for usability (they represent too much
power for the content provider compared with the user).

Received on Tuesday, 7 November 2000 18:28:36 UTC