Re: A new iconography? (was:How to convince businesses to be accessib le...)


	I disagree. I feel that in the case of persons whose disability includes
cognitive limitations, accessibility means they should have the full
content conveyed ... full content meaning both text and
graphics/multi-media ... A text without supportive graphics should be
considered an incomplete page, not yet accessible to all the PWD's whose
"buying power" is promised. 

	I do not think it's reasonable to draw an arbitrary line dividing disabled
web users into those who will be accommodated under accessibility
guidelines, and those who will be ignored or ghettoized. 

	I thought it interesting that the language you chose to illustrate
"foreign languages" is normally used as  graphics rather than as


At 09:44 AM 10/7/00 -0400, David Poehlman wrote:

>comprehention and accessability are two separate issues as I was trying
>to point out in my example with a foreign language.

Anne L. Pemberton
Enabling Support Foundation

Received on Saturday, 7 October 2000 13:20:00 UTC