Re: content guidelines checkpoint 4.1


Once the speech output components can make use of this information,
this will be very helpful.  Language changes in the inline level
elements, like in the example below, may not seem too important.
But for block level elements, such as <P>, <BLOCKQUOTE>, etc., this
information will be essential.

I don't know if any browser is using this information currently.
However, I believe IBM Home Page Reader (English version) looks at
the lang attribute on the HTML element, and changes the speech mode
to that language.  This demonstrates the usefullness and the
possibility of implementations that use the language information.
And I'm hoping that the same thing will be done at least for the
block-level elements.

Personally, I can't understand why 4.1 is priority 1 while 4.3 is
priority 3.  I can't remember if there was any discussion on this in
the process of developing the WCAG.  But I think both 4.1 and 4.3
are very important and helpful.


On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 11:58:16 -0700, Zachary Mutrux wrote:
> What do folks think about place-names of foreign origin? Will marking them
> up following the example provided for checkpoint 4.1 make text more
> accessible?
> <cite>
> 4.2 Language information
> Checkpoints in this section: 4.1, and 4.3.
> If you use a number of different languages on a page, make sure that any
> changes in language are clearly identified by using the "lang" attribute:
> Example.
>    <P>And with a certain <SPAN lang="fr">je ne sais quoi</SPAN>,
>    she entered both the room, and his life, forever. <Q>My name
>    is Natasha,</Q> she said. <Q lang="it">Piacere,</Q>
>    he replied in impeccable Italian, locking the door.
> End example.
> </cite>
> zm

Received on Friday, 11 August 2000 23:58:40 UTC