Re: "invisible" alternate links: accessible?

At 12:20 PM 8/8/2000 , Zachary Mutrux wrote:
>     DP: "I'd say it is a discriminatory proactice."
>What, hiding links with color--or using tiny images as links?  Against whom
>does it discriminate, as long as everyone who visits the site gets the same

I agree that it's not discriminatory -- as you say, the ultimate
test is "is there access to the content?"  I don't think this is
the best way to enable that access to the content, and I think you
need to watch out that your solution doesn't introduce additional
problems for other people.

I see web page accessibility problems as "hurdles" that are placed
before a web user, perhaps in a racing lane if I want to stretch
this metaphor.  You need to make sure that if you remove a hurdle,
you're actually taking it off the track entirely -- instead of
just kicking it over into someone else's lane.

Kynn Bartlett  <>             
Director of Accessibility, Edapta        
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet
AWARE Center Director               
Blueprint for Single-A WCAG Accessibility

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2000 19:13:41 UTC