RE: verifying accessibility

At 01:06 PM 2000-07-20 -0700, Paul Mitchum wrote:
>One of my pet projects (which I'll probably never finish) is to make 
>a user agent which displays only the <A> links, with each link's 
>surrounding context shown only when the user focuses on that link. 
>Trying to navigate that way might give people an inside-out 
>perspective on the web.

The code you suggest is essentially the same as that for the test rig for
the "fat links" proposition.  

In the first mode, the whole page is greeked or seriously grayed except for
the contents of the focused element.  As you tab along, one by one the
links and controls show through the murk.

In the second mode, the immediate logical context of the focused element
[as determined by an algorithm combining rules and markup-for-exceptions]
is added to the clear display scope.  Here the whole "click here for a
special offer" phrase would be visible [by analogy, spoken under ACSS-like
control] when this link is focused.

The first one is a demonstrator for the "meaningful link text" rule.  The
second is a tester/demonstrator for a technique to make it easier to
satisfy the link comprehensibility requirement.

Hope you find the reqisite round tuit some day.


Received on Friday, 21 July 2000 07:32:54 UTC