Re: Anchor Names -- a P4 item?

Thank you Al!   (I am also grateful to the others who have enlightened me on
this thread.)

Okay, so where is an authoritative looking reference (with URI) for this
common sense rule of thumb?

Al Gilman wrote:

> Clearly the short one.  If you wanted to send someone one to the middle of
> the page will the server correctly handle <.../+foo#middle>?
> But on Bruce's original question, anchor names appear in the UI in the
> status line in various browsers, and are relevant if you have to hand-enter
> the URL, and in that case mnemonic quality is a plus.
> As Kynn says, it is not a hard requirement; and at times it is hard to do
> with the rest of the URI.  But all parts of a URI-reference including the
> anchor name or #fragment part are better to the extent that they can be
> made mnemonic.
> Al

Received on Saturday, 3 June 2000 07:58:22 UTC