Re: single browser intranets

Although this is a bit of a tangent, it would be interesting to know how
many, if any, of the Fortune 500 companies mentioned practice accessible
web design today either externally or internally.

Taking a quick browse of the home pages of the top two  companies, it seems
that there's a lot to happen in this environment.  Both of these sites had
priority one problems with accessibility on the home page.

1. GM -

2. Ford -

Heck, even the page where I obtained the listing

of the companies in the Fortune 500 needs a bit of work.

Companies either need to see that accessibility is going to increase the
bottom line or that failing to incorporate it is going to reduce it.  The
IPO market for net companies keeps going hot and heavy and few of these do
much in the way of accessibility.

I really do wonder what hook might make the business community stand up and
take note of web accessibility?

Received on Tuesday, 26 October 1999 14:10:00 UTC