"Exploit Interactive" issue 3 features articles on Bobby, WAI, etc.

We are pleased to announce that "Exploit Interactive" issue 3 is now
available at the URL:


"Exploit Interactive" is a web magazine which is funded by the European
Commission's Telematics for Libraries programme.  This issue has the
theme of accessibility and internationalisation.  It includes articles
on the Web Accessibility Initiative, CAST's Bobby accessibility tool,
the MIRACLE project, multilingual subject gateways and automated
translation services.  Many other articles are also available, including
features on the DEBORA, EQUINOX and TACIS Telematics for Libraries

The theme for issue 4 (due to be published at the end of January) is
"Services for the New Millennium".  This will provide, for example, an
opportunity for services, projects and organisations to publicise new
services.  If you would like to contribute please email the Exploit
Interactive editors at exploit-editor@ukoln.ac.uk

Feel free to forward this message as appropriate.


Brian Kelly
Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus
UKOLN, University of Bath, BATH, England, BA2 7AY
Email:  b.kelly@ukoln.ac.uk     URL:    http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/
Homepage: http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/ukoln/staff/b.kelly.html
Phone:  01225 323943            FAX:   01225 826838

Received on Monday, 25 October 1999 10:17:34 UTC