Re: Web Accessibility Myths and The Kynn Challenge (was:

I know of contracts being written that say "WCAG double-A" or "WCAG triple-A"
as a condition of the contract. As Jonathan, Anne and others have pointed out
illustration and graphics are important (although these are often required
anyway, and for many designers the challenge is to do them accessibly). Even
requiring WCAG level-A in a contract is a start.

If you have experience in applying these contracts, then you may be able to
produce valuable feedback for the guidelines group (email to is archived at if you want to see what they
have got).


Charles McCN

On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Scott Luebking wrote:

  Hi, Charles
  The current problem about including accessibility in a contract is
  what does "accessibility" mean in technology.

Received on Saturday, 23 October 1999 17:44:01 UTC