software guidelines?

VT:: "...perhaps something like "guidelines for software developers"
should be worked out in order to make programmers aware of the problem."

WL: There are many (a plethora?) such "guidelines" and they are to date
more noted than observed (what does he mean by that?). Amaya is far from
the most serious offender although because of its association with W3C
is well worth dealing with, which is being done. All such
recommendations are about like safety posters in a factory - they give
the appearance of something being done about a problem but often offer
no respite. The militance that ires many is often the only recourse and
thus come regulations with their attendant divisive debates. is a repository for many of the
responses of various governmental entities to the problem of Web access
for PWDs. It is clear from the growth of this list that efforts to
foster accessibility are rampant and it is to be hoped that as the
"Network is the computer" attitude becomes increasingly real that
software in general will also become more usable by us all. The
guidelines you call for already exist and are increasingly becoming
distilled in various W3C recommendations. We just have to keep on
keeping on.


Received on Wednesday, 20 October 1999 10:11:10 UTC