RE: Copyright and accessible-media transcriptions

> >
> Point the legal affairs team at the following starting point and I believe
> they should be able to give you a better answer:

On a Saturday night, I should not have taken the extra leap off-topic.
However, much rewarded by information sent, which will be shared with Legal

However, note to use the exemption one must be an authorized entity and that
"Large print" or illustrated renditions are not included in the exemption.
Also, to use this copyright exemption, one must limit the viewing of the web
site to only a person with a disability.  In essence, it does not apply to
worldwide web pages, as you noted.


Wayne Crotts
Information/Computer Services
Institute on Human Development and Disability
The University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602

Received on Sunday, 17 October 1999 00:13:08 UTC