Re: Web Accessibility Myths and The Kynn Challenge (was:

The myth that accessibility is free or cheap is bugging me.

OK clean HTML is possible with a clear plan and a little knowledge.

That does not make it accessible.

Of course poor HTML with lots of proprietary extras can be completely

Even creating a single page that works on most browsers in a reasonable way,
is more or less a dream, and in my experience quite a lot of work even to

Creating accessible sites that work for people with (a range of) cognitive
impairments is very difficult.

Once again Accessible is being used to mean many things and this is causing

We are awaiting the list of approved WAI sites.

Bobby approved ones are just no good for accessibility outside of its HTML
coding context.

Jonathan Chetwynd

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Received on Saturday, 16 October 1999 04:00:06 UTC