Re: Monitor Size

At 08:14 AM 10/1/1999 , Neff, Robert wrote:
>Is there a suggested or recommended screen size that we should be designing
>for?  That is pixel  Height and Width.

Whenever possible you should design for fluid, scalable web
screens, and don't restrict yourself to a given size.  It's
actually not that hard to do; even the HWG's homepage doesn't
really break down until you get down to teeny tiny screens.

(Hopefully those people have some way to unstack tables,

For people on the other end of the continuum, it's _really_
annoying to have a 19 inch monitor and find that all the 
websites you see are scrunched up on the far left 1/3 of your


Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director                

Received on Friday, 1 October 1999 12:48:42 UTC