Re: When is a web site accessible?

Al, I browsed URL:
looking for archives on a discussion of the merits of a pass/fail
accessibility designation.  If it's there, I could not find it.  Please
point me to a few key threads.  The best I could was URL:
Which is short and does not support the consensus you suggest.

I don't think the stuff on the ER group is old enough.  This list only goes
back to August.  This is AFTER Bobby dropped its star designations.  It has
not seen much traffic (as compared to the general WAI IG).

It is my belief that public online discussion on the merits of discrete
rankings has NOT occurred.  I have asked (the WAI list) before to be
directed to archives of such a debate.  (I have also tried, to no avail, to
start a new threads about this.)  The impression that I am left with is
that the "powers that be" (I am not sure who this illuminate group is)
reject out of hand a rating system -- despite that this would be greatly
favored by majority of us in the trenches!

> From: Al Gilman <>
> To: Paul Booth <>;
> Subject: Re: When is a web site accessible?
> Date: Wednesday, January 13, 1999 2:08 PM
> The Evaluation and Repair Interest Group mailing list with archives at
> <> has discussed this issue
>  That is the group whose charter relates directly to this issue.  An
> earlier Rating And Certification group mostly noted the perils of going
> far down the road toward a pass/fail designation without an adequate
> for the criterion.
> Al

Received on Wednesday, 13 January 1999 16:58:49 UTC