When is a web site accessible?


I've noticed people on this list, and within the disability field in
general like to use terms such as "This site is very accessible" or
"low accessibility" etc etc...  Im interested in how we define and
measure accessibility and would be interested to hear the comments of
people on this group.

When is a web site defined accessible?  When it conforms to all the
WAI guidelines? Or is it when it conforms to 80% of the guidelines, or
even if it just passes the biggest problem points?  Is a site
accessible if the most commonly used screen reader can handle it, or
when dyslexic people have no problem in changing the font size, style
and colour?  How about if it passes Bobby, or RNIB (or similar)
accreditation? Or if it is capable of being "rescued" by some of the
tools that are being developed, does that make it accessible?

I'd be interested to hear opinions & comments.  Apologies if this has
been discussed previously, I have had a look through the archives and
couldn't find anything.

Many thanks

- Paul

Paul Booth, Project Officer, DISinHE Centre
Tel: +44 (0)1382 345050   Fax: +44 (0)1382 345509

Received on Wednesday, 13 January 1999 12:53:57 UTC