At 07:26 a.m. 12/31/98 -0500, Robert Neff wrote:
>Also you mentioned WebTV viewer.  Is this a
>viewer for the PC?  Or are you talking about the actual WebTV?

The WebTV people have made an "emulator" for WebTV, that can
be run on Mac or PC platforms.  It shows you how your page
should look on WebTV, gives somewhat bobby-esque comments in
another panel about the HTML it does and doesn't understand
(hint: it's not 3.2 or 4.0 compliant), and also has a cute
feature where you can make an on-screen remote and use that
to navigate.

You can download it from which also
has notes on designing "for" webtv (a silly notion unless you're
going to make one page per client program/version -- of course,
I think someone on this list is doing that *grin*).

Kynn Bartlett  <>         
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain Internet
Design an accessible web site:      
Tell your friend a celebrity wrote to you:
Enroll now for my online CSS course!   

Received on Thursday, 31 December 1998 11:59:02 UTC