information access at chicago transit authority

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From: Kelly Pierce <>
To: Jamal Mazrui <>, David Poehlman <>
cc: Jamie Fox <>,
Subject: Re: information access at chicago transit authority

Using an unsecure means of sending credit card data might be an option if
you have no other means of using a particular service.  Some might be
hysterical about the thought; however, these individuals are often less
concerned when credit card data is shared on cellular or cordless
telephones.  The security of cellular telephones was highlighted last year
when a Florida couple audio taped a politically sensitive conference call
with leaders of the republican party.  There is little evidence to show
that using an unsecure means of providing a credit card number
significantly increases fraud.

Further, no one is advocating using e-mail or other unsecure methods to
conduct these transactions.  There are other options.  One could fax the
information to the agency or leave it on a dedicated voice mail line.  We
cannot stay stuck in either/or binary thinking.  the CTA will not
communicate with us on this issue, so our recourse was to go legal and
discuss their obligations with federal officials that regulate them and
their attorneys.

We discovered that many Internet service providers nationally and in the
Chicago area have not upgraded to Lynx 2.8.  When they have, some have not
implemented the security feature.  yes, people can switch to Explorer.
Many don't realize that is an unrealistic choice for blind persons living
day to day on Social Security and a fixed income, where the entrance fee
to use Windows is $800--the cost of a brand new Pentium computer.

Most of our members in Chicago use Lynx more than any other browser.  True
browsers don't have legal rights, but the people with disabilities that use
them do.  the law is quite clear.  The responsibility for access as
effective as that for non-disabled persons is the responsibility of the
transit agency.  blind persons have no legal right to force internet
service providers to implement secure web browsing.  However, we do have
the right to litigate the access of our local transit agency as it
concerns Section 35.160 of title II.  We must acknowledge that
accessibility to secure web browsing is not as simple or as easy for blind
persons as it is for non-disabled persons.  We expect CTA to deal with
that fact and provide options for us and for our federal officials to
encourage the development of these options.

Perhaps there could be more discussion on solutions.  How could blind
persons who are Lynx users purchase monthly passes and fare cards online
without incurring significant expenses?


Received on Wednesday, 25 November 1998 00:06:57 UTC