LD accessible pages

to follow up on what Mencap in N.I. said:

> One curious thing here is that these web sites are accessible
> to people with learning or cognitive disabilities but probably
> not accessible under the w3org guidelines. A bit of a dichotomy
> I think

We had a thread like this on webwatch-l.  The PA guidelines group
thinks that they have avoided a _dichotomy_.  That is to say, you
don't have to violate the guidelines to make pages friendly to
people with learning or cognitive disabilities.  You can even
make the LD-friendly presentation the default presentation and
lay in the left-brain stuff behind the scenes in ALT etc. fields.

But it would be a very interesting test of this claim to work
with the pages Eamonn cites to demonstrate that universal pages
are possible.


Received on Wednesday, 23 September 1998 11:52:01 UTC