
..Web Standards Project challenges browser developers
This WaSP packs a sting
The Web Standards Project [26] is two weeks old and has already gar-nered 
significant ink, and pixels, in the world's press (summary here [27]). The 
project is the effort of a group of high-profile Web designers to shame 
Microsoft and Netscape into implementing com-pletely the standards upon 
which the Web is based before venturing off into proprietary extensions 
[28]. The developers of the Opera browser [29], which is just about the 
only currently viable compe-tition to the Netscape-Microsoft hegemony, have 
supported WaSP from the first. The project's Web site is the epitome of 
cool: simple design, unified feel, plenty of variety, and speedy loading. 
Thanks to Julianne Chatelain for the pointer.

Received on Tuesday, 1 September 1998 07:24:36 UTC