Re: webwatch-l New Web Standards Advocacy Project

At 09:58 p.m. 08/09/98 -0400, Chris Maden wrote:

>Any flames that start with "I ran your sites through the HTML validator
>at the W3C, and ..." will be redirected to /dev/null.

Interesting.  Why do these people claim to support existing
standards but put such little value in, well, the existing

The agenda is puzzling.  What _are_ they after, besides more
attention for their own group, which seems to exist to, well,
draw attention to their group?

Anyway, this is not the list for talking about WSP anyway, and
I'm sure they're just going to redirect me to /dev/null for
pointing out hypocrisy, so I'll drop it.

Kynn Bartlett <>
Vice President, Marketing and Outreach, HTML Writers Guild

Received on Sunday, 9 August 1998 22:31:19 UTC