RE: designing for accessibility -Reply -Reply

Sheryl wrote:  What group sponsors DC webmasters?

Rob replied:   AIP is  the Association of Internet Professionals.  The DC 
Webmasters  and the DC Internet Developers Assocation (DCIDA) just decided 
to merge with the AIP.

The DCWebmasters has tech and content meetings.  DCWEBMASTER will be a SIG 
or Special Interest Group.

The URLs for each group are:

Association of Internet Professionals (AIP)
DC Webmasters
DC Internet Developers Assocation (DCIDA)

Sheryl wrote:   thanks for the help as I ease myself into yet another pot 
of  alphabet soup,
Rob replied:  when I wrote this reply, I had to consult my acronym cupboard 

Let me know if this helps or confuses you even more....rob

Received on Tuesday, 28 July 1998 16:37:57 UTC