re:ALT tools

Larry Goldberg writes:

>...remembering to include alt-text tags is the easiest and most readily >accepted.  The proposal basically lets them off the hook of the first >thing they are willing to do.

WL:: This assumes that they want "off the hook" which is likely not true
in light of the oft-voiced observation that most of them want to "help."
Also, dealing with retrofit requests is much more annoying and time
consuming than "staying on the hook."

David Pawson writes:

>Rather than try to change the world, why not do it on a request basis.

WL:: Of course we are *determined* to change the world!  In addition to
"requesting" changes on individual notification, we must pursue the
guideline, outreach, education, authoring tool modifications, etc.  The
client/user will have to step up her "web police" activity and all the
tools spoken of in recent exchanges will serve her well, particularly if
there is a centralized ombudsperson <g> to help.

Received on Monday, 26 January 1998 09:29:33 UTC