Re: Just a idea

At 19:54 1998/06/28 -0300, Joao Carlos Rebello Caribewrote:
>I'm a Web Consultant and Macromedia User Group Leader.
>My group are developing one solution for visual impaired and
>blindness. The project still on start. The solution consist on 
>three steps:
>1) Localization
>Every site wich support blindness must create and put a 
>blindness version of site at:
I would prefer the whole site be accessible, not just a segregated
segment or separate set of pages. My fear for your approach is that 
different versions get out of synchronization.

>2) At home page one audio / visual pin sign this site has
>a blindness support, this audio /visual pin links to
That is more inclusive than requiring the selection of a text-only
version on each page. I expect that user preferences will be
adequately provided through behaviors, that can be used to tailor
what a server delivers to the user agent's expressed desire.

>3) Take a look of complete release (english and Portuguese)
>and a live example, and leave a comment / suggestion on our
>project forum. 
>please use "guest" as login and password.
From my limited experience with shockwave over a year ago, it made heavy 
use of graphics, particularly for glitzy dynamic textual material.  
I hope but do not know that you only use it to demo the alternative
accessible material. I am unwilling to use or arbitrarily allow a 
shockwave tool onto my system. Your site requires it, so is therefore 
inaccessible to me.

>With best regards,
>Joao Carlos Rebello Caribe
>Coordenador Geral do Flash Brasil
>Macromedia User Group Leader - RJ
Regards/Harvey Bingham
Yuri Rubinsky Insight Foundation

Received on Sunday, 28 June 1998 19:38:47 UTC