FW: webwatch-l JFW Beta 3.2 and Lynx for Windows 95

-----Original Message-----
From:	owner-webwatch-l@teleport.com
[mailto:owner-webwatch-l@teleport.com] On Behalf Of Kelly Ford
Sent:	Tuesday, June 09, 1998 8:04 PM
To:	kford@teleport.com
Subject:	webwatch-l JFW Beta 3.2 and Lynx for Windows 95

Hi All,

Others may not have experienced a problem with this in the past
and due to the many computer configurations things might still
work differently on your machine but I thought I'd share my
experiences with the new JFW 3.2 public beta software and the
text-based web browser Lynx running under Windows 95.
In the past the largest problem I had was with the use of the
cursor keys to navigate in Lynx.  In short this didn't work for
me, no matter what settings I tried in JFW, and in Lynx.
Obviously this has changed for the better or I wouldn't be
writing here.
For whatever reason JFW and Lynx seem to work the way you'd
expect i.e. the arrow keys navigate a web page when the PC cursor
is on and allow you to review the screen with the Jaws cursor.
At least for me this hasn't been the case in JFW 3.0.  With JFW
set to Say All mode I now have access to Lynx with nearly the
same functionality as I have when using it under DOS on my shell
If you have never tried the web browser Lynx you owe it to
yourself to give it a try.  Full details on the program can be
found at:

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Web: http://www.teleport.com/~kford/index.html
ICQ: 13076645
AOL Instant Messenger: wisclark

Received on Thursday, 25 June 1998 12:03:35 UTC