RE: information about frames and accesskey assigned

are the accesskeys standardized?  if not, recommend they should be.  as a 
user, this is one choice i would not want to leave up to web developers....


-----Original Message-----
From:	Claus Thoegersen []
Sent:	Wednesday, June 24, 1998 4:23 AM
Subject:	information about frames and accesskey assigned


I would like to know if anybody know of web sites that uses frames
and have described the layout and purposes of the frames as it is
recommended in the current page author guidelines?

The same question can be asked about the use of accesskeys in forms,
I suppose that a consistant use of accesskeys also mean that there
on big sites should be described what keys you can expect to use
in forms?


Claus Thogersen

Received on Wednesday, 24 June 1998 10:43:56 UTC