Feedback on the BBC Website

According to a posting to another NG, on Friday last (29 May) the presenter
of the BBC Radio 4 'Feedback' programme has invited listeners to write
expressing their opinions, etc, on the BBC's website.

The author expressed his view (slightly edited) that: 

"Personally, I have tended to feel that their website consistently goes for
'showing how clever their designers are' rather than taking an interest in
providing a *useful* and widely accessible service. For example, the way
they always leap on the latest things ('Frames', 'JavaScript', etc) in a way
that block access to some people and their apparent assumption that the only
OS in the world is Windoze."

He then went on to suggest that:

"Whatever you feel about the BBC's website, you might like to write to:

to express your opinions and give them your ideas.

"The BBC are apparently pondering questions like:

 Should the BBC *have* a website?
 How much of our license money can they justify spending on it?
 What is it for?

"The responses will be discussed on 'Feedback' in a couple of weeks."

I think some response from UK Broadcasting Licence [*] fee payers on these
groups might also be of value. Over to you folks.

All the best,


Site URLs: <> and <>

[*] FIO readers outside the UK: Almost all UK citizens pay this fee, which
funds the BBC.



Iain Logan, Langholm, Dumfriesshire - Chartered Transport Consultant

Received on Sunday, 31 May 1998 11:51:33 UTC