RE: Seamless Accessibility

At 09:06 PM 25/05/98 -0400, Kasday, Leonard R (Len), ALTEC wrote:
>	Previous LRK statement:: 
>	>>As far as I'm concerned you try to give a person what they want,
>	>>without any value judgments.
>	Previous LQ response::
>	>  Even if what the person wants would hurt the accessibility and
>	 >usability of the Web?
>	LRK:: If you provide a seamless page with the option of displaying
>the visual aspects, how does that hurt the accessibility and usability of
>the web?

LQ::  It doesn't.  That's why I've been arguing for it.  I'm just concerned
with those who would rather force the visual descriptions on everyone (or
at least on all non-visual users).

>	By the way, just to reveal a personal preferance, I prefer to watch
>non-English films with subtitles instead of films which dub into English to
>attempt a seamless presentation.    It particularly annoys me to discover a
>film is dubbed without being told.

LQ::  It seems like you're saying that Web pages presented in non-visual
environments have been dubbed and that the natural medium for Web pages is
visual.  I'll assume that I'm misinterpreting your analogy.

There is no dubbing required for presenting a Web page seamlessly in
non-visual environments.  The point of seamless accessibility is that the
page adjusts naturally to all browsing environments.  The non-English film
dubbed into English is not seamless.

Liam Quinn
Web Design Group            Enhanced Designs, Web Site Development

Received on Monday, 25 May 1998 21:22:21 UTC