RE: Seamless Accessibility (was Re: your mail)

At 12:01 PM 22/05/98 -0700, Waddell, Cynthia wrote:
>Regarding  D-links- 
>What about making them the same color of the background?  The screenreader
>will still see it.

LQ::  I don't want the screenreader to see it unless the user of the
screenreader explicitly asks for it.  D-links describe what images look
like and thus tell the non-visual user that she's viewing a visual page.
As an author, I want every user to think that the page is made specifically
for her, so I don't want the non-visual user to get distracting remnants of
anything visual.

The description linked to by a D-link is not important for communicating
the content of a page.  The content of the image is expressed by the ALT
attribute in the case of the IMG element and by the element content in the
case of OBJECT.

Liam Quinn
Web Design Group            Enhanced Designs, Web Site Development

Received on Friday, 22 May 1998 17:06:20 UTC