clean code? dreamweaver

I was running through the last few posts to see if anyone had mentioned
this product ...

>Have you checked out DreamWeaver from Macromedia? []
>If a knowledgable person builds the page templates, DreamWeaver will
respect the
>original code when it is used to make updates. In fact, they call it
'round trip
>html', and it's one of the selling points of the product.

Yup, and it works with HTML 4.0, is easy to generate valid code, and gives
the WYSIWYG and under the hood views of the same HTML without putting in
ugly proprietary tags. Very nice to see something which only writes what
you input for a change.

>There is a 30 day trial version available on the Web, if anyone wants an
easy way to
>check it out. or are the URLS.

>They also have - and apparently read - a wish list at that site that
>people can provide input to. If a number of people asked them about
>features, it wouldn't hurt...

They do listen too, if enough noise is made. ActuallY I think the feature
set for DW 2.0 (its 1.2 at present) includes a whole bunch of support for
accessibility options incl plugin integrations, better support for ALT and
descriptions etc and _I think_ some tutorial support for designing more
flexible web pages eg for text only, voice navigation.


BTW, I do not work for macromedia.

Received on Thursday, 21 May 1998 14:23:20 UTC