Re: Using htlm editors to produce clean code?

Have you checked out DreamWeaver from Macromedia? []

If a knowledgable person builds the page templates, DreamWeaver will respect the
original code when it is used to make updates. In fact, they call it 'round trip
html', and it's one of the selling points of the product.

The environment is visual, but not truly wysiwyg. It's geared toward Dynamic html, so
it's not exactly aimed at the accessibility market. Still, the round-trip features are
very nice.

There is a 30 day trial version available on the Web, if anyone wants an easy way to
check it out. They also have - and apparently read - a wish list at that site that
people can provide input to. If a number of people asked them about accessibility
features, it wouldn't hurt...

 -- Paul

Bruce Bailey wrote:

> Has anybody had success using Microsoft FrontPage or Navigator Gold to
> generate html code that parses through Bobby or the W3C Validator without
> errors?...
> ...
> Thanks very much for your time.
> Bruce Bailey

Received on Monday, 18 May 1998 14:16:22 UTC