RE: HTML produced by non-experts

>We have a header on every page and while this is great for the visual
>browsers (Netscape, IE, etc) we have found it to be annoying in voice
>browsers.  Any comments?  Also made the buttons bigger to assist those with
>low vision.

I agree that this is a problem.  It will likely continue to be such for a
while.  My only suggestion is that the browser makers support <LINK> better
(Hint Hint, Microsoft; IE5?).  You know, like NCSA Mosaic.  Mosaic creates a
toolbar with buttons for each <LINK>.  It uses the rel/rev, title, and href
of <LINK> to create icons, labels, and links for the buttons.  It is
analogous to the 'links' toolbar in IE only it changes for each page.

,David Norris

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