FW: lynx 2.8 -- new features of interest to blind users

Can someone tell me how to get the Win32 version of LYNX?  I use whatever my
ISP has, but should be using Win32.  Thanks!

Charles Oppermann
Program Manager, Active Accessibility, Microsoft Corporation
mailto:chuckop@microsoft.com http://microsoft.com/enable
"A computer on every desk and in every home, usable by everyone!"

-----Original Message-----
From: Laura Eaves [mailto:leaves@intac.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 1998 10:17 PM
To: basr-l@trace.wisc.edu; vidpi-l@hpbs751.boi.hp.com; w3c-wai-ui@w3.org
Cc: leaves@intac.com
Subject: lynx 2.8 -- new features of interest to blind users

Lynx version 2.8 is now available!
The following is a list of features added since 2.7.1
that are of particular interest to visually impaired users.
(Note: this isn't meant to be a comprehensive list of new features,
just a summary of some features tha are of interest to blind or
visually impaired users.)

The new release can be downloaded from http://www.slcc.edu/lynx/release/

* New commands: (123g and 123p): typing a number followd by a g in
  links-are-numbered mode
  will reposition the current link on that link number without activating
  the link.  (Typing just the number will behave as before, activating the
  link without repositioning the current link.
  In addition, typing a number followed by a p will reposition you on that
  Finally, you can now use these commands in numbers-as-arrows mode bye
  typing 0 followed by the number.  Example: 055p will
  take you to page 55.

* Form field numbering: There is now a new keypad mode --
  links-and-form-fields-are-numbered which actls link links-are-numbered
  mode except that form fields (text entry, checkboxes and buttons) are
  in addition to links.  Note that this can be used in conjunction with the
  feature to reposition the current link on an input field or button
  by typing the number.
  Also in this mode, options in popup menus are numbered and an option can
  selected by typing its number rather than cursoring down to the option.
  To turn this mode on, type O to get to the options menu, then K to select
  the keypad mode.

* In popup menus, the cursor is now placed to the left of the currently
  selected option, instead of at the right.
  Also the 123g and 123p commands can be used inside a popup menu to
  the menu.
  Finally, the search command "/" can be used inside a popup menu to find an

* The search command "/" now positions the screen so that the matched item
  is 4 lines from the top of the screeen.  This provides more context for
  the matched string.

* The search command "/" now matches strings in text entry fields and
  popup menus.  If a search matches an option in a popup menu, lynx will
  position the current link on the popup entry.  The user can then hit ENTER
  to activate the popup menu then hit n to search for the same string and
  position the current option at that option.

* Escape from text entry field: When the current link is positioned
  on a text entry field, the user can now type Control-V to "escape"
  text entry mode.  Lynx will then prompt for a lynx keystroke command.
  This is handy to navigate on a page full of text entry fields
  without having to type up and down arrows to get off the text entry

* Color: The 2.8 release of lynx supports style sheets which lets a user
  specify colors for verious constructs.
  The older color specs using COLOR settings for different attributes
  are also still supported.  The latter requires that lynx
  be compiled with the slang library.
  Also, color can be turned on or off via the options menu.
  Type O followed by & to turn color on or off.

* There is no an entry in the options page for turning
  show_cursor on or off.  When ON the cursor is positioned at the
  currenet link.  Otherwise it is put in the lower right corner of
  the screen.  The default depends how lynx is compiled.
  (You can also toggle this option on the command line using the
  To set this via the options menu, type O followed by @.

Please send any questions/comments to lynx-dev@sig.net.
Happy surfing!

Received on Sunday, 19 April 1998 18:53:17 UTC