Re: Style sheets for access

John Gunderson wrote:
>The user style sheet need to more than over ride author styles or even
>there sub classing styles like H1.  Since many authors will use absolute
>positioning in spatial formatting, if you say enlarge all H1 (and it also
>enlarges sub classes) you may end up with a screen full of alphabet soup.
>What is need in the browser is a mechanism to say ignor the entire author
>style sheet and use just mine.  This would eliminate the impossible task of
>users needing to know anything about the authors classing or positioning of

I agree, this would then depend on the browser.

There may be situations however when we do want some of the author style
declarations to come through. I can't think of a good example right now but
I have come up with some in other conversations. For this reason it would
be good to have a strong, specific override mechanism in CSS. Could we have
something similar to "important!", possibly "access!" which can only be
used in the user style sheet?

Jutta Treviranus

University of Toronto

Received on Friday, 5 December 1997 13:57:29 UTC