Re: List image bullet

I discussed this issue with Hakon Lie yesterday and we concluded a few
interested things.

First, it seems like a bad idea to add semantics information like ALT
text to a piece of style sheet.

The reason is that it's possible, likely in fact, that a particular
style sheet be dropped in favor of another one by the browser, so any
valuable information would be lost.

Second, the real place for content is the markup, and in the case of
image bullet where a description is needed, the following design is
probably better:

  <LI> <IMG SRC=car ALT=car LONGDESC= WIDTH= ..> to get the price </LI>

and have a list-style-type set to 'none' so the bullet is removed and
the image is used (with all its attributes).

Comments ? Greg Lowney ?

Received on Friday, 26 September 1997 04:57:37 UTC