WCAG 2.1/2.2 errata pre-CFC

Hi everyone,

There are a few minor normative (errata) updates to WCAG 2.1/2.2 which we would like to make, and re-publish so they are on the face of the specs.

The list is below. If you disagree with this grouping approach, or this way of reviewing the updates please respond to this email before we get to CFC next week.

All of these are things the group has reviewed and approved individually, so the forthcoming CFC is to check the group is happy to publish these in 2.1 and 2.2.

Few would apply to WCAG 2.0 so we aren’t proposing to add errata for 2.0.

Applying to 2.2:

  *   Make "cognitive function test" definition term lowercase, aligning with other terms. https://github.com/w3c/wcag/pull/3943/files
  *   Update to the focus-appearance note, aligning with the final text.
  *   Updating the ‘new’ markers in 2.2.
  *   Removing the un-used definition for encloses.
  *   Editorial updates to the target-size (min) SC text.
  *   Missing comma in introduction.

Applying to 2.1 and 2.2:

  *   Updating the definition of single-pointer, separating the a note off for clarification.
  *   Linking up various definitions where they have not been linked before (caught as part of the WCAG2ICT work).
  *   Change "tablets...mobile devices" to a better structure without suggesting tablets are not mobile devices (small update to the introduction).
  *   Changing <ol> to <ul> when no order is intended.
  *   Updating the style of the input purposes for syntax highlighting.
  *   Updating the programmatically determined link-text definition to disambiguate lists and list-items.
  *   Updating a “WCAG 2.1” reference to “WCAG 2”, so it works in both.
  *   Update Input Purposes list to remove transaction-amount.

Kind regards,



@alastc / www.nomensa.com<http://www.nomensa.com/>

Received on Tuesday, 10 September 2024 09:15:08 UTC