RE: AGENGA & REVIEWS - AGWG Meeting August 20th 2024


Accessibility Compliance Support Manager
Chair, Braille Authority of North America
Vice-President, International Council on English Braille
613-552-4191 (Cell)
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From: Jennifer Strickland <>
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2024 11:56 AM
To: Alastair Campbell <>; WCAG list ( <>
Subject: Re: AGENGA & REVIEWS - AGWG Meeting August 20th 2024

Regrets, PTO

From: Alastair Campbell <<>>
Date: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 10:58 AM
To: WCAG list (<>) <<>>
Subject: [EXT] AGENGA & REVIEWS - AGWG Meeting August 20th 2024
The AGWG will be meeting on Tuesday, 20th August 2024 at 11. 00 AM Eastern US (Length: up to 2 hours). Agenda WCAG 3 Requirements updates Combined Diff of all previous changes, these are all the things from the 'Done' column of the requirements

The AGWG will be meeting on Tuesday, 20th August  2024 at 11.00 AM Eastern US (Length: up to 2 hours).


  *   WCAG 3 Requirements updates

     *   Combined Diff<> of all previous changes, these are all the things from the 'Done' column of the requirements project that the group has already reviewed.
     *   PR of latest changes<>, mostly addressing the issue of testability of the requirements.

  *   WCAG 2.2 issues review<>

Please reply with regrets to<> (only) if you would normally attend this meeting.

To connect to the meeting:

IRC: channel #ag
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Kind regards,



@alastc /<>

Received on Monday, 19 August 2024 16:08:58 UTC