Re: Target Size (Min) Updates

Hi everyone,

We had a good post-meeting discussion on this which I’ll round up here.

We got to this formulation:
“Inline: The target is in a sentence, or is in a bulleted or numbered list, or its size is otherwise constrained by the line-height of non-target text;”

The factors we discussed for that were:

  *   Dropping the page-type concepts such as “body” and “main”.
  *   Focusing on the presentation of the content of lists (which can be emphasised in the understanding doc).
     *   That is useful for cross-technology application;
     *   It could be slightly gamed (e.g. add bullets to your navigation), but that seems unlikely.
     *   If you update the CSS to remove the bullets, you can also bump the list height up a bit to pass. (I.e. default lists are excepted.)
  *   Updates to the commas and “or”s to make it more readable.
  *   It should improve the cross-tester reliability.
Kind regards,


Received on Tuesday, 10 January 2023 18:49:47 UTC