Templates for next stage of conformance discussion


Following up on our Tuesday meeting, I have created templates for each person exploring a conformance model to use. All documents relating to this conversation are in a folder named AG Conformance Models Fall 22<https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1X3Paz3WuK4yn09_ZN99P5IFl2-5yn5U9>

We currently have 6 people (Rachael, Gregg, Alastair, Suzanne, Wendy and Jeanne) working on possible models based on our conversations.  Each document template is linked from the relevant slide in the  Possible Conformance Models<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15ZoKbczXw3JIoyDxAxKtBG0sWMKnB6lqAnV4V9xVsoM/edit#slide=id.p> presentation.

Please feel free to add a new model if your ideas are not represented. To add a new model, create a new slide in Possible Conformance Models<https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15ZoKbczXw3JIoyDxAxKtBG0sWMKnB6lqAnV4V9xVsoM/edit#slide=id.p> and a new Template for Conformance<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LXJj_vnWC3InFWTj_7WCr8DY2qfkc1M0yawmOxgk0TA/edit>. Slide 2 of the slide deck has detailed instructions.

The slide should be a high level summary. The document should have the details – just bullet points to get started.

If you are unable to easily work with Google Slides and/or documents, please email the chairs and we will create an alternative.  We are also happy to answer any questions.

Thank you to everyone working on writing up a possible model.

Kind regards,


Rachael Bradley Montgomery, PhD
Digital Accessibility Architect
Library of Congress
Email: rmontgomery@loc.gov<mailto:rmontgomery@loc.gov>

Received on Wednesday, 12 October 2022 18:13:35 UTC